SPL: Picker

English and World Literature

The Upper School English and World Literature curriculum is designed to help students advance their interpretive thinking, analytical reading and writing skills through the study of a variety of texts. These works reflect our evolving definitions of literature, gender, cultural context and writing practice. Major genres, including the novel, short story, poetry, drama and 
film, are studied in yearlong courses and more exclusively and intensively in semester electives. Students’ work takes a variety of forms, including formal, informal and creative writing, teaching presentations, class drama and film productions and projects.

Upper School English Sequence
Grade 9 Fate and Folly
Grade 10 
American Literature 
Grades 11-12 Electives, including one required in world study

A K-12 independent school in New York City, The Spence School prepares a diverse community of girls and young women for the demands of academic excellence and responsible citizenship.


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