Spence News

Spence Junior Publishes in Poetry Magazine

Congratulations to Annika M. ’25 on her recent poetry publication American High School Poets: In Like a Lion 2024. The poem, titled “To (not) Sleep,” was selected by editors for its “passion and sincerity.” 

Annika drafted the poem as part of an assignment in her Studies in Poetry class with English faculty member Ms. Silva. A part of a series, Annika centered her poems around the theme of human instinct. “Something that I've struggled with since I was really little is being able to slow down my constant cycle of thoughts when it's time to go to sleep,” said Annika. 

While she’s not working on any poems currently, Annika has plans to continue writing. “I have ideas scattered throughout my notes app and my Studies in Poetry docs that I hope to eventually turn into final products.”
A K-12 independent school in New York City, The Spence School prepares a diverse community of girls and young women for the demands of academic excellence and responsible citizenship.


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