Spence News

Distinguished Alumnae Award Recipients 2015

Congratulations to Janine Lederman Flammang ’80 and Hilary Singleton-Green Corman ’85 for their service to Spence as well as Dr. Marisa Reddy Randazzo ’85 for her professional achievements.
For Service to Spence

In the words of a fellow alumna on the Reunion Committee, Janine Lederman Flammang ’80 “does so much quietly and tirelessly; she is the first to champion her classmates, other alums and Spence.” Flammang has served on the Alumnae Board, the Reunion Committee and the Outreach Committee. In addition, she is a member of The 1892 Society, Spence’s planned giving group, and an IndiSPENCEable, alumnae who have given to the Annual Fund for 10 or more consecutive years. Outside of Spence, Flammang has worked for the past 30 years, currently managing her family’s fine jewelry manufacturing company. 

Hilary Singleton-Green Corman’s ’85 list of committee positions that continuously sustain and strengthen The Spence School is impressive: Corman has served on the Board of Trustees, the Reunion Committee (past and present), the Task Force for The 1892 Society (as well as being a member herself), the Long Range Planning Committee and the Outreach Committee. She was President of the Alumnae Association, an Annual Fund volunteer (attending many phonathons) and is one of our IndiSPENCEables. Alongside her active involvement and stellar volunteer leadership, Corman has led a successful professional life. Since receiving a B.S. and B.A. from Georgetown University and an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School, Corman has worked for 20 years in investment banking and institutional equity brokerage. She is currently a Managing Director at BlackRock and in charge of the Asset Manager Channel within iShares.

For Professional Achievements

Dr. Marisa Reddy Randazzo ’85 is a managing partner of SIGMA Threat Management Associates and an international expert on threat assessment, targeted violence and violence prevention. She regularly investigates and assesses threatening situations and provides violence prevention strategies for schools, colleges, workplaces and high profile individuals throughout the United States. She also serves as the Director of Threat Assessment for Georgetown University. Previously, Dr. Randazzo served for 10 years with the U.S. Secret Service, most recently as the agency’s Chief Research Psychologist, where she directed all Secret Service research on school shootings, presidential threats, insider threats and stalking. She has trained more than 10,000 law enforcement and intelligence officials around the world on how to investigate threats and intervene to prevent violence and stalking. Dr. Randazzo has testified before Congress and has been interviewed by major television, radio and print news outlets. She has also published four books and numerous articles on threat assessment and violence prevention. Her work is cited as a best practice for preventing mass shootings in federal guides on emergency planning for schools, colleges and workplaces. Dr. Randazzo received a Ph.D. and master’s degree from Princeton University in Social Psychology, and a B.A. in Psychology and Religion from Williams College. In 2005, she was named by Williams College as a Bicentennial Medalist for her work in preventing violence.

The Spence Alumnae Association salutes our extraordinary alumnae for their steadfast support and service to the School and for their many accomplishments beyond the Red Doors.
A K-12 independent school in New York City, The Spence School prepares a diverse community of girls and young women for the demands of academic excellence and responsible citizenship.


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