All-School Assembly: The Quiet Growth of Winter
The last gathering before Winter Break is the long-awaited winter all-school assembly, an event in Brick Church marked by tradition, song, and Spence cheer. As snow was falling outside, Head of School Felicia Wilks began her remarks on growth, the theme guiding this year’s assemblies. She reflected: “In the quiet growth of winter, under all the stillness, incredible things happen. We conserve our energy and prepare for the next phase. Roots grow deeper. Buds begin to form. The down time solidifies learning.” Rest is important to the growth process, Ms. Wilks explained, before she invited students up to the podium to share what they do to recharge. Reading, spending time with family, drinking hot cocoa, and playing were common ways the Lower School students relax.
Musings about rest and growth from Middle and Upper School students followed a performance by the Middle School Choir. “Reflection is core for growth,” shared Lianna P. ’26. “It is a strength to recognize when to work hard and when to rest.” For Brooke W. ’29, the upcoming break was an opportunity to let the seeds that were planted earlier in the year continue to sprout. As she put it: “At the beginning of the school year, we entered through the red doors. But now, nearly four months later, we exit those doors as different people. This is because a community like Spence changes you, and in turn, you change it. We will hibernate for the next 16 days, and who knows what we will emerge as.” Students also cheerfully welcomed Stephen Mezzo, Director of Facilities, who shared details about how the facilities team would manage the building during winter break.
The assembly concluded with the time-honored tradition of the twelve grades singing and acting out a stanza from “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Students excitedly belted out the final lyrics, and rushed outside to enjoy a restful snowy winter wonderland.