Spence News

Students Present 2024 Advanced Senior Art Portfolios

Graduating students in the Advanced Art Portfolio program presented their senior portfolio: a curated collection of their artwork produced during their time in the Upper School Visual Arts program. Each senior shared samples of their breadth and concentration work to peers, faculty, and families during a special assembly, outlining their processes and concentration inspiration.

Visual Arts faculty member Josh Dorman introduced presenters, remarking on the commitment he has seen during the student-artists’ time at Spence: “I think you’ll find the diversity of aesthetics and expressions to be fascinating and impressive. Throughout the year, if you came by Room 501 after school, or even in the evening, you’d find students working, deep in the creative process, generating rich, imaginative, colorful worlds.”

Student work spanned a variety of mediums, including charcoal drawings, glazing paintings, graphic stories, triptychs, block prints, oil pastels, bookmaking, ink transfers, and more. 

Student presenters included: 
Parker C.
Lila F.
Sydney K.
Lisa L.
Ava M.
Julia M.
Didi N.
Anya R.
Shayne S.
Allegra W.
Millie W.
Lydia W.
Arwyn W.
A K-12 independent school in New York City, The Spence School prepares a diverse community of girls and young women for the demands of academic excellence and responsible citizenship.


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